Our Services
What we offer
Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR)
We can trap/capture community cats and take them to the vet for spay or neutering and vaccinations. They will also get their ear surgically clipped as a universal sign that they have been spayed/neutered. We then will hold the community cats overnight to make sure there are no surgical complications. The next day we will release them back to their community. The goal is to TNVR 100% of community cats. This will help stop the breeding cycle and improve community cats lives.
Connection to Low Cost Spay/Neuter
There are options in our area to take your cat to obtain a low cost spay/neuter. By spaying or neutering your cat you can prevent our already overwhelmed shelters from taking in another 100 kittens over a 7 year period. It is also proven that cats live up to 3-5 years longer if they are spayed or neutered. They are also less likely to roam, less likely to get in cat fights, and their risk of cancer decreases.
Trap loan and trap training
If you have friendly strays or skittish strays or even feral cats living on your property we can provide traps for loan and trap training so you can get your cats in for sterilization.
Connections with Shelters
For friendly strays in dangerous locations or kittens we can work with local shelters or outside shelters if our local shelters are full so we can find homes for them. Rehoming and adoption does take time and we don’t often have foster homes available at this time. Please consider becoming a foster if you can!
Relocation of Cats in Dangerous Areas
The goal of TNVR is to return community cats to their community to reduce the stress on the cat and to prevent putting the Vacuum Effect into motion. An area that is conducive for community cats will likely always have community cats. Data has shown that by removing cats from those areas, more cats will continue to move in. If the community cats are in a dangerous area and are feral and MUST be relocated, we can work with another non-profit (Adopt a Barn Cat) to find other homes for them. Relocating them will take time and a few week acclimation period at their new home.