All About TNVR
What is Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR)?
TRAP: Community cats are trapped or captured. This can be done with live traps that we can loan to you or we can work with you to help you trap the community cats in your area. Spay/neuter appointments need to be set up before trapping can be done. Trap the night before the appointment and withhold food. Cats are then transported to a surgery center the next day.
NEUTER: Cats are checked by a vet to make sure they are in good health. Cats undergo spay or neuter surgery and their ears are surgically tipped as a universal sign that they are spayed/neutered.
VACCINATE: Cats are vaccinated for rabies and can be provided other vaccines and/or flea medications as needed. Cats are held over night before being released so they can recover and they can be inspected for signs of infection before releasing.
RETURN: Cats are returned to their colonies or outdoor homes. Friendly strays can be adopted if there is availability at the local shelters.
Why Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR)?
Spay and Neutering Works
Areas with greater access to no/low cost spay/neuter programs have proven lower shelter intake rates and lower non-medical euthanasia rates
In 2011, the Windsor/Essex County Humane Society in Canada had intakes increasing each year and worked with the local government to open a no/low cost spay/neuter clinic. By 2016, cat intake decreased by 45% by only providing their citizens access to no/low cost spay/neuter services
In Asheville, NC, shelter euthanasia has decreased by 79% since a low-cost high-volume spay and neuter clinic was established
In Jacksonville, Florida, a targeted low-income spay and neuter program led to a 37% decrease in shelter euthanasia in 3 years. Shelter intake decreased from a 15-20% annual increase to an 8.3% annual decrease during the first 2 years of the program
Humane Alliance (2010). Accessed 12/18/10. Available at
American Society for the Prevention of
TNVR Costs Less than Other Cat Control Methods
A cost comparison study was conducted during a 10 year period to manage cat populations. Adoption, and Capture and Euthanize cost significantly more than TNVR and often the end populations were the same or even less with TNVR programs.
Best Friends Organization states that it costs about $16 billion to trap and kill community cats per year while discounted TNVR programs cost about $7 billion a year. Replacing trap and kill with discounted TNVR programs could save almost $9 billion a year in the US.
The average cost for cat management strategy include:
TNVR: $20-$97/cat
Capture and Kill: $52-$123/cat
Capture and Adopt: $104-$550/catSources:
Benka et. al. 2022. “Guidance for management of free-roaming community cats: a bioeconomic analysis:. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, Vol. 24.
TNVR Stabilizes Cat Population
During an 11-year study of TNVR at the University of Florida, the number of cats on campus declined by 66% with no new kittens being born after the first four years of operation.
A study of the impact of TNVR on feral cat colonies in Rome, Italy, also observed colony size decrease between 16% and 32% over a 10-year period.
A TNVR program at the Texas A&M University neutered 123 cats in the first year and found no new litters of kittens the following year. Over the course of the same study, 20% of the cats trapped were found to be socialized stray cats and adopted
In Albuquerque, NM, after high intensity TNVR, intake to the municipal shelter is down 39% and euthanasia is down 85%.
In Sanders County, MT, after 2 years of TNVR in its 5 towns, complaint calls to the only shelter in the county dropped 84% (from 1,032 in 2009 to 166 in 2011).
A TNVR program in North Carolina tracked 9 cat colonies, 6 100% sterilized, 3 100% unsterilized. Sterilized colonies decreased by an average of 36% while the unsterilized colonies increased an average of 47%.
A TNVR program in Florida, sterilized 2,366 cats in a 2 year period. Intake to the County Shelters decreased by 66% in the 2 year period.
Alley Cat "Why Trap-Neuter-Return for Feral Cats?" 2023
Kortis, Petsmart Charities, Rethinking the Cat
Stoskopf, M,. Nutter, F., Analyzing approaches to feral cat management – one size does not fit all (2004) JournaAlley Cat "Why Trap-Neuter-Return for Feral Cats?" 2023 American Veterinary Medical Association
Levy, J.K., Effect of high-impact targeted trap-neuter-return and adoption of community cats on cat intake to a shelter (2014) The Veterinary Journal
TNVR Improves Cats' Lives
TNVR relieves cats of the constant stress of mating and pregnancy
Mating behaviors cease, like roaming, yowling, spraying, and fighting
Cats’ physical health improves
Cats are vaccinated against rabies and other diseases
Reduces spread of diseases with lower populations
The population stabilizes – no new kittens!
Reduces cat migration to other areas
TNVR creates opportunities for outreach, education and cooperation
TNVR stops wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars
Alley Cat "Why Trap-Neuter-Return for Feral Cats?" 2023