Welcome to All About Fixin’

Do you have community cats in your area that you may feed or see wandering around? Help us help them!

Contact us to see how to get the community cats in your area spayed/neutered so we can all do our part to help control the Henderson County cat population.

Our program was developed to help save the cats of Henderson County, Texas. Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR) is the only proven humane approach to stabilizing community cat populations. TNVR improves the lives of cats as well as reduces shelter intakes, non-medical euthanasia, and citizen complaints. Help us make a difference!

Learn More

All About Fixin’ TNVR Count:

577 cats

Have been trapped, neuter, vaccinated and return to their community or rehomed. This saved approximately 57,700 future cats from entering shelters!

All About Fixin’ Rescue Count:

242 friendly cats

Have been fostered, fixed, vaccinated and placed into homes

All About Fixin’ Recent News

  • Christmas Eve Abandonment

    Dec. 24, 2023: As my kids and I were watching a Christmas movie on Christmas Eve, my dad called and said that he stopped to see if 2 women needed help on the side of the road and they had found 2 totes full of cats! I told my dad to bring them to me as it was dark, cold, and rainy and my foster room had just opened up. When he brought them we found 22 full grown cats in these totes! They were wet, cold, lethargic, malnourished, and some had really bad mange.

    My daughter and I spent hours triaging them and getting them fed and warm. They were petrified. We’ve had them for a month ow and most of them are very comfortable with us now and starting to look healthy. We treated them all for mange, had 20 of them spayed/neutered and vaccinated and started one on antibiotics and steriods to help his mange clear up quicker. We’ve been able to adopt 6 of them so far and one had babies so we have 4 new kittens as well. It’s going to be a long road with these babies but we will get them healthy and placed in safe homes.

  • TNVR 105 Cats

    Jan. 20, 2024: Adopt a Barn Cat and All About Fixin' and a huge team of volunteers competed a TNVR event of 105 cats!!! This could not have been possible without the amazing volunteers and staff at Friends of the Animals at Cedar Creek Lake and 1 amazing vet Dr. Glen Campbell and funding support from Feral Friends Community Cat Alliance! This took months of planning, weeks of prepping paperwork, and days of trapping, setting up warm recovery areas, and releasing. It was an exhausting event but knowing how many unwanted kitten births were prevented this weekend and how many vaccinated and healthier community cats are in Henderson County makes it all worth it

  • TNVR 58 Cats in 1 day!

    Nov. 30, 2023: All About Fixin’ partnered with Adopt a Barn Cat for our first high volume TNVR event. We purchased traps, gathered volunteers, and selected locations around Henderson County for TNVR. A few of the locations we targeted included a barn cat colony in Tool, a farm in Athens, a colony behind a restaurant in Athens, a colony in Murchison where the kind feeder was unable to trap and didn’t have the means to fix the community cats he started feeding a few years ago, and a few neighborhoods around Cedar Creek Lake with kind feeders that also didn’t have the means to trap and fix any cats.

    The event was sponsored by Feral Friends Community Cat Alliance and Dehart Mobile Vet provided surgery services and vaccinations.

  • Kittens Saved!

    Dec. 10, 2023: We found 2 friendly 12 week old kittens at one of the colonies we targeted for TNVR. One of them was only the size of a 6 week old (only 1.2 pounds) and was skin and bones. They both had eye infections and upper respiratory infections. I immediately took them to my house to foster them and got them to the vet. The vet didn’t think the little one would make it. After discussing humane euthanasia, we decided to give them a fighting chance. The vet sent me home with anti virals, antibiotics, dewormer, coccidia treatment, nebulizer breathing treatments, steriods, and eye ointment.

    The little one had to be syringe fed for the first day to learn how to eat. Then after 3 days of aggressive supportive care, the kittens started playing with each other. The little one started using the litter box and their infections were clearing up!

    After 10 days of supportive care, they received a clean bill of health and were ready for their forever home! Miracle “Mia” and Marley went to their forever home on Christmas Eve and are settling in perfectly. Mia is getting closer to Marley’s size each day. These 2 sisters are strong and healthy and couldn’t be happier and more spoiled at their new home.

Our Services

  • Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR)

    We are committed to stabilize the cat population in East Texas. We will trap or provide traps and trap training and sterilization to manage unowned community cat population in our area.

  • Connect with Low Cost Sterilization Services

    If you have intact cats in your area that are owned or community cats, we can connect you with low cost sterilization services in our area. Vouchers are available when funds allow.


In the US alone, only 3% of community cats are neutered or spayed. One unspayed female can produce up to 100 kittens in a 7 year period! Community cats account for approximately 80% of the cats entering shelters in the US and about 72% will be euthanized. Only 0.02% of those euthanized are due to medical reasons.
Let’s work together to stabilize the community cat population and help improve their lives!


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Do you have cats in your neighborhood that are community cats? Contact us to see how you can help them get fixed!